Mibo allows you to manage your store products, and part of this management is to categorise your product. Products can be categorised according to your needs. You can create and update different product categories by doing the following:

Go to Mibo Control Panel > My Account > Product Category.

Adding Product Category

  • Click Add on the Product Category panel. 
  • Enter the product category name and description.
  • Click Ok to save your product category.Adding Product Category

Updating Product Category

  • In the Product Category panel, click the name of the product category or the Edit button on the same row of the product category you want to update.
  • Apply the modification you prefer.
  • Click Ok to save your changes.Updating Product Category

Sorting Product Category

You might want to sort your created product categories. You can simply sort it by doing the following:

  • Modify the text box on the same row of the product category you want to sort inside the Product Category panel. 
  • To update the sorting, click on the floppy disk icon and wait for the panel to reload.Sorting Product Category

Removing Product Category

  • In the Product Category panel, click the Delete button on the same row of the product category you want to remove.
  • Agree on the confirmation message of deletion by clicking Ok or click Cancel if you want to retain the product category.Removing Product Category