An accurate and up-to-date account details will help your customers to know you and trust you even more. This also gives customers the confidence that they are buying from a credible business. You can update your account details such as Business Info, Contact as well as edit the System Setting.     

You can update your account details on Mibo Control Panel > My Account > My Profile.     

Business Info      

On the Business Info tab, you can modify the business name which is a required field, description of the company and your merchant logo.      

  • Enter the business details and click Save to save the changes.
    Business Info
  • To add a merchant logo, click on the merchant logo section.

    Tips : To best display your business information, it is advisable to add a merchant logo. See our article about uploading images.


On the Contact tab, you can modify the basic details of your business location, contact number and link to your website. After you finished all the modification, click on Save to save the changes.
Account Contact Info

Note : Address and country are required. City and state will be automatically filled when you choose the address, however it is still enabled for modification.      

System Setting

On the System Setting tab, you can modify the settings of your store and POS. 

System Setting

You also have the option to add currency for your business.

  • Tick the checkbox on Accept Other Payment Currency.
  • Click on Add Currency.
  • Enter the currency details such as currency, exchange rate type and exchange rate.
  • Click Save to save the currency.Add Currency

To remove the currency, click Delete on the same row of the currency you want to remove.

Note : Your business information and contact details will be displayed on the member club portal. See more about member club portal.